Welcome to my online exhibition.

Hey! My name is Ishaan and I am an engineer at heart with a focus on Audio Engineering.

Ever since I was very young, I have always enjoyed taking things apart and figuring out how they work. As the years went by I started to take an interest in mechanical and electrical engineering. I often enjoy spending my free time working on personal engineering projects or researching for new ones.

My main passion, however, is music. I am a recording and mix engineer and who also enjoys producing music to pass time.

In high school, I discovered an art that incorporated both my love for technical work and music; Audio engineering. Since then, I have spent the majority of my time furthering my understanding of music composition sound design, recording arts, mixing and mastering techniques.

Now I am a growing culmination of all the music I listen to and the techniques I learn.

The purpose of this portfolio is to exhibit my passion for creative and technical work, so feel free to explore!

-Ishaan Nimkar

P.S If you are curious, check out what I’m currently listening to.

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